Monday, November 8, 2010

Serving GOD Loving Others

I got a book from Church a here is a scripture that is in the book. John 13:34-35

"A new command I give you : Love another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if youlove one another."

I guess you get the point.

The concept, Loving others is the best way you can show your love for God! He is very pleased by this, and others will want to know God as you show His love to them!

COMMIT to love the people in your life...your family, friends and even those you don't like so much. Ask God to give you HIS love for others!

Therebis 12 books of the Bible, After the books of the law, are the historical books, which tell thehistory of Israel, God's people.

The 12 historical books are:

Joshua 2 Kings
Judges 1 Chronicles
Ruth 2 Chronicles
1 Samuel Ezra
2 Samuel Nehemiah
1 Kings Esther

Monday, October 4, 2010

He is our light!!!!!!

I went to Church with my friend on Sunday, and in our small groups we talked about being connected to the light. Think about a lamp, for a lamp to work it has ton have a bulb and the lamp has to be plugged in. God is the lamp to be with the lamp you have to be plugged in , so you , yes you have to be plugged in to God. If you do not stay connected , God will slowly fade away from you believing in him. Here are some ways you can stay connected with God are,

1. Go to Church.

2. Read the Bible.

3. Worship God.

4. Believe that Jesus died for you and that he is your savior.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Keep going!!

Do you ever think I should give up1 Does the day just get to hard so you just want to give up! Well don't, giving up is the wrong way to go. There are two paths which one will you take the one that encourage you to keep going and that you can do it , or you can take the one that teels you to give up, and that your no good. Which is better? You teel me. It is hard to do the right thing. It is even harder to not to give up when you get bullied your something like that. So next time you that happens just think which path should I take?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Does HE hear us?

Do you ever think does God here me when I cry, or when you need help. And can't find your way? That you fight to find your way through the day? Is it it hard to really hard to think that God here me, that he is there. Sometimes I feel like that. And it is hard to get through the day. Does this song relate to you?

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Do you believe that Jesus is lord, that he came do all thing. If you do that is great if you don't you should pray a pray, that is only if you are ready. But anyway it is very easy. Can you remember the ABC's? No not ABCD and so on. This ABC that 

A= Admit to God that you are a sinner and repeat from your sins.

B=Believe that  Jesus is the son of God and accept his gift of forgiveness.

C=Confess your faith in Jesus as your saver and your Lord forever more.

If you can remember that you can become a Christian. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Abraham & Sarah/ Genesis 16-17- King James

When Abraham was 100 year old God came to him and said Abraham, " You and Sarah will have a child." Abraham fell to his face and laughed. He said to God " How can I at the age of 100 and Sarah at the age of 90, have a child."And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him, and Sarah had a so and called him Isaac. The point of this is, does God talk upon you, and you do not believe him, and just sometimes maybe laugh upon him. Always believe that Lord our God can do anything! Believe in him, When ALWAYS. He can do ANYTHING!   

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

God Made Us the Way We Are

Do you ever think, I am not good enough. Or " Why did God make me this way?" , or I'm too fat, skinny, ugly, and more. Well don't , do you know why because God made you the way you are, and if you do not like the way you are. Well just think God likes me this way. That is the way God made me. Don't think that just because you are different then other people, that God does not love you. So if you are feeling mad one day, look in a mirror and say I am GREAT and God LOVES me. And you just might feel better.